What are the documents needed to submit on the contract day for UR housing?

1. Income certificate from your company or employer (original only)

*所得証明書 ”shotoku shomeisyo”

*The certificate has to show your annual income for last year.

*Deputation letter or Gensenchosyuhyo(源泉徴収票).


*Individual Contract: At least 3 million yen annual income.

*Family Contract: At least 4 million yen annual income.
2. Resident proof from your ward office (original only)

*住民票 ”Juminhyo”

*Your name and all of your family members’ names and visa status has to be on it.

*Items need to be checked (IMPORTANT!!!)
- 世帯主・続柄 Head of household・Relationship
- 国籍・地域 Nationality ・ Region
- 中長期在留者・特別永住者等の区分 Status
- 在留カード等番号 Card number
- 在留資格・在留期間・在留期間満了日 Resident status・Period of stay・Date of expiration
*Please check the application sample below for Shinagawa ward office
application form

3. Resident tax certificate from your ward office (original only)

*課税証明書 ”Kazei shomeisyo”

*Needed when there is a UR campaign.

Are the utilities (gas, power and water) included in the rent?

No, utilities are not included in the rent. All utilities have different contract and connections should be done before moving-in.

How much do we need to pay on the contract day?

2 Months deposit + daily rent amount from the move-in date to the last day of the month.

What are the necessary information needed to reserve a vacant apartment?

1. Full Name

2. Current Address

3. Phone Number

4. Birthday

5. Name of Company

What are the requirements for UR housing?

1. Income Requirement


Rent Amount
Standard Monthly Income
¥62,500 and below
Montly salary shoud be 4 times the value of the rent.
Rent of ¥45,000, you have to have a monthly income of ¥180,000.
¥62,500 and above
¥200,000 and below
Monthly income of ¥250,000 and above.
¥200,000 and above
Monthly income of ¥400,000 and above.


If above requirement is not applicable, below are other options.

①Paying 1 year rent plus deposit in advance.

②To have a Japanese Yen saving in the bank equivalent to 100 times of the rent.



At least 1 Year VISA. Short-term VISA is not permitted.