What are the documents needed to submit on the contract day for UR housing?
1. Income certificate from your company or employer (original only)
*所得証明書 ”shotoku shomeisyo”
*The certificate has to show your annual income for last year.
*Deputation letter or Gensenchosyuhyo(源泉徴収票).
*Individual Contract: At least 3 million yen annual income.
*Family Contract: At least 4 million yen annual income.
2. Resident proof from your ward office (original only)
*住民票 ”Juminhyo”
*Your name and all of your family members’ names and visa status has to be on it.
*Items need to be checked (IMPORTANT!!!)
- 世帯主・続柄 Head of household・Relationship
- 国籍・地域 Nationality ・ Region
- 中長期在留者・特別永住者等の区分 Status
- 在留カード等番号 Card number
- 在留資格・在留期間・在留期間満了日 Resident status・Period of stay・Date of expiration
*Please check the application sample below for Shinagawa ward office
application form
3. Resident tax certificate from your ward office (original only)
*課税証明書 ”Kazei shomeisyo”
*Needed when there is a UR campaign.